Bhakti (Devotion): The statue serves as a focal point for devotees who practice Bhakti Yoga, the path of love and devotion to God
Antique for Home Decor at affordable price in India
In stock
Lord Krishna statue (AM 4445)
Weight 0.320 kg
Height 14.5 cm
Length 5.8 cm
Breadth 3 cm
Metal Makkal/SoapStone
Lord Krishna Statue is a sacred representation of Lord Krishna, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism, often depicted in various forms, postures, and moods. Lord Krishna is commonly associated with themes of love, compassion, divine wisdom, and joy.
A Soapstone Krishna statue can be a beautiful and spiritually significant addition to your home or temple. The smooth texture and intricate carvings of soapstone can bring out the serene and divine qualities of Lord Krishna .His quality allows for a highly polished finish, making it ideal for artistic and decorative uses.
Flute Playing: Krishna is most famously depicted playing his flute, symbolizing the call of divine love. This pose is often graceful, with Krishna in a relaxed yet captivating stance, drawing the attention of devotees with his melodious tunes. The flute in Krishna’s hands symbolizes the divine call to the soul. Krishna’s music represents the call of God to surrender to the divine, and the melody signifies love and devotion. Krishna’s expression is often serene, peaceful, and compassionate, symbolizing his divine nature.
Bhakti (Devotion): The statue serves as a focal point for devotees who practice Bhakti Yoga, the path of love and devotion to God
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