Varahi Amman Face Mask Product Care
– Dust off residue/dirt with a soft brush
Handcrafted by our artisans in madurai
In stock
This wonderful handcrafted Green Colour Varahi Amman Face Mask makes for a great addition to your golu padis.
They are Made with Paper mache. They are Handcrafted and Handpainted by artisans from Madurai, Tamilnadu, India.
This decorative paper mache Varahi Amman mask is crafted using an ancient, intricate five-step process that includes moulding, drying, decorating, smoothing, and finally painting in vibrant colors.
Display it as wall decor or place it in your favourite corner for a splash of color.
Each hand-painted mask is one-of-a-kind, with slight imperfections adding to its unique charm.
Varahi Amman Face Mask Product Details:
Weight – 0.182 kg
Height – 20 cm
Breadth – 12.6 cm
Varahi Amman Face Mask Product Care
– Dust off residue/dirt with a soft brush
Handcrafted by our artisans in madurai
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